
Civil / Site Engineering

·  Parking and Circulation
·  Roadways and Intersections
·  Site Grading and Accessibility
·  Erosion Control and Restoration
·  Drainage Improvements
·  Water Quality and Detention
·  Low Impact Development
·  Rain Gardens
·  Utility Infrastructure
·  Subdivision

Master Planning

We combine an eye for aesthetics with our engineering knowledge to comprehensively plan for an ideal development with practical land uses, functional layouts, efficient connections, and seamless future expansions.


Before diving into a project, we analyze the rules, regulations, and requirements affecting a project for potential pitfalls to help you determine viability of a project. This includes zoning, development rules, environmental regulations, utility capacity, and permitting requirements.

Construction Documents

We develop detailed construction plans and specifications that are the basis for permitting and construction. Capturing all the project requirements in these documents is essential to getting a thorough bid and efficient construction.

Multi-jurisdictional Permitting

Permitting can bog down a project if not understood from the beginning. We know the ins and outs of local regulatory authorities which is critical for a smoother permitting process, a more predictable time line, and a successful project.

Environmental Regulations

From local city watershed regulations, to state requirements for water recharge areas, to federal requirements for protection of endangered species.

We are experienced with:
·  City Land Development Codes
·  Tree Protection Ordinances
·  TCEQ Aquifer Protection Plans
·  USFWS Habitat Conservation

Construction Administration

We are the go-between for an owner and contractor, observing the quality and progress of construction. We work to maintain a partnership with contractors and leverage their experience to benefit the project and resolve any issues quickly and minimize costs.

Utility Infrastructure & Tap Plans

We design new water and wastewater systems or upgrades to existing utility systems, provide modeling to address pressure issues and emergency capacity, and design electric and telecomm
duct banks.

Residential Tap Plans are often required when renovating or expanding a home with new water and wastewater service lines. We are experienced with Austin Water requirements and can design and submit utility tap plans quickly.


Platting a property is a prerequisite for site permitting. We know the rules of platting and work with local surveyors to provide lot and easement layouts that meet jurisdictional requirements.

Our experience includes:
·  Subdivision plats
·  Amended plats
·  Platting exceptions
·  Easements